
this miss – still not sure what codename to give her so i’ll stick with this one for now. hopefully generic yet identifying to her and only her as all these should be. anyways!

whaleTooth was a wonderful miss who we had shared interest in each other with. i met her as she was my team captain for a cyber defense competition (that we kicked ass at! hoorah!) and from what i recall, she had admired how well i knew my stuff about computers and tech being a freshman in highschool.

we grew close as the divorce between my stepmother and father went on and she listened to me bitch and moan. i heard many of her stories too – of which ill keep to myself – but she had character for sure. however, the first problem i saw was our distance. she was getting ready to head off to college and she was going to be about 4-5 hours away. the second part being our age difference. when you’re both 18+, sure not a problem. but in my eyes, i was to take care of her whenever possible and when she needed. i was to provide. and last i checked – some dumb and horny freshman in highschool doesnt fit the bill on that.

as time went on and all – things seemed to get awkward. we never dated but we just kinda stopped talking after some time. maybe it was something i said or she really did realize i was just a young and dumb tard not fit for her lol. either way – it didnt seem like we were going anywhere and eventually i had removed her from my snap, along with a bunch of other folk given i didnt talk to them or anything.

now this is where i really think i fucked up and should of simply stopped talking – but while i was in the first town i had moved to on my own (first apartment), we chatted maybe a few times every few months. my dumbass was falling back into her for some reason and thought it was okay to keep trying to hit on her and everything. i am NOT the rizzler and that was a really stupid idea…but i swear there are just some days in the year my brain is not on.

so to that, if you are reading – i deeply apologize for doing that and it shouldn’t of been done in the first place. do i still share those same feelings of interest in you? dont know, im a dumbass who cant tell! does that excuse my actions? absolutely not. would it be nice to go on a coffee meet sometime? for sure, at least catch up but probably best i dont speak. do i expect you to speak to me? absolutely not lmao.

i’ve got rizz worse then a downsyndrome kid, call that rizztarded.