Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad

It is only through the journeys we take in life that we learn how to be better. They are not pleasant journeys and they do not come without sacrifice, but without them - we would be nothing at the core.

To my brothers, may you be granted wealth, wisdom, and a lovely life.

To my family, I ask for your forgiveness for what I have done to bring shame and dishonor among our name.

To my enemies, may your deaths be slow and your pain be eternal.

And finally, to my previous lovers, may you feel the heartbreak and torment just as I have.

This web server remains active as a way to express and teach. Lessons learned, memories gathered, one's character further refined. Further journal notes will no longer be provided. Forever in preservation on September 8th, 2024

~protogen (protogen@protogen.army)